Sunday, 3 February 2013

.net Detector

Easy detect your .net framework
.NET Version Detector is a handy tool for vendors of .NET applications also.
Knowing which versions a user has installed and where they are located on the hard drive.
ASoft allows for a vendor to bundle .NET Version Detector with its application (for free!) so that it is easier to get some generic and exact information on the frameworks.
But before doing so, contact us first!

touch typing tutor


touch typing tutor

TypeFaster is a free typing tutor teaches you how to touch-type. Once you can touch-type you will not need to look at the keyboard to find the letters you want to type.

Download 0.4.2for Windows, English
2MB download / 6MB installed

Virtual Box portable

Cross-platform virtualization without installation.
Download Portable VirtualBox MultiVersion Online (0.5 MB)
In first screen enter: 4.2.6-82870
Extension Pack available

Extract and run VirtualBoxPortable.
Settings of installed VirtualBox should be preserved.

Disk SpeedUp

A Powerful disk defrag tool to analyse, defrag and optimize disk for peak performance

Disk SpeedUp

  • Disk SpeedUp
    • Quick and Optimized Disk Defrag.

      Defrag Automatically and Intelligently.

      User-friendly Interface and Interactive Drive Map.

      Small and Lightweight.

      Customized Presets.

  • Download Now1.4 for Windows | Update: June 1, 2011

Light Image Resizer Multilingual

Manage your digital photos without installation.
Download Portable ImageResizer Online (0.3 MB)
In first screen enter:

Portable ImageResizer Online will download setup and extract files.

Extract and run ImageResizerPortable.
You can add switches (App\ImageResizer\switches.txt) with AdditionalParameters in ImageResizerPortable.ini.
Settings of installed ImageResizer should be preserved.

special thanks to portableappz

Photoshop CS6 Extended 32 & 64 bit Multilingual


Our favorite photoshop…

Graphic editor without installation.
Download Portable Photoshop CS6 32 bit (92.6 MB)
(md5: 1ebede168f5d0abbe52f137154d58fcf)
Included Camera Raw Plug-in 32 bit
(Download Portable Photoshop CS6 64 bit (103 MB)
(md5: 8dc70a3f1e4881c4b599d91a7d9e157a)
Included Camera Raw Plug-in 64 bit
Fixed launcher to use $COMMONFILES\Adobe on x64 (ex: fonts in Data\PhotoshopCS6\CommonFiles\Adobe\Fonts\English, Czech, Danish, German, Spanish, SpanishInternational, Finnish, French, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, SimpChinese, TradChinese)
32 bit and 64 bit have separate program folders but same launcher and same settings.

Language set by launcher according UserDefaultLang.
To change, edit PhotoshopCS6Portable.ini with Language="one of the extensions of tw10428 in App\PhotoshopCS6\Locales\en_US\Support Files" (Language="" for en_US).
You can add plug-ins in App\PhotoshopCS6\Plug-ins

Extract and run PhotoshopCS6Portable. Settings created in Data.
Don't run at the same time of another Adobe product or if you have Photoshop installed!